Tapestry: Java-Less Web Components
2003-01-02 15:25:40 UTC
I'm beginning to work on allowing listener methods to be implemented in
scripting languages, using Bean Scripting Framework.

Mind Bridge is working on byte code engineering, such that transient and
persistent properties will be magically provided by the framework. That it, a
subclass will be created that implements the necessary accessor methods,
instance variables, plus initialize() and/or pageDetached().

The latest versions of the specification DTD allows you to omit the class
attribute from <page-specification> and <component-specification>. Components
default to BaseComponent. Pages default to BasePage (though there's a
configuration property for changing this default).

So ... if Tapestry is providing the properties (transient and persistent), and
you can write most of your logic using OGNL and the rest using Jython or
JavaScript ... we may really get to the point where there isn't much Java left
(or that creating Java implementations is a performance option!).

Yes, yes, we are definately trading CPU cycles at runtime for developer cycles
at coding time, but Moore's law continues to churn along for a bit, and Java
compilers are getting better all the time.



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