Trust WAS Re: Role of incubator was Re: Re: Tapestry?
Andrew C. Oliver
2003-01-06 16:46:39 UTC
As Avalon amply demonstrated, being a subproject of Jakarta today does
not preclude becoming an ASF project down the road.
(1) No coersion has ever been placed on the tapestry folks towards
Jakarta as a home.
Here is what I did: I asked them "What do you want to be" -- and
explained the implications as best as I understood them at the time
(which admitedly might not have been fully) and at the time
Avalon was a Jakarta project and nothing more.

* Your address would be: "tapestry.apache.org" instead of
* You'd be directly accountable to the board instead of the Jakarta PMC
* You'd have your own PMC

They said they'd like to be a jakarta project. I think MAINLY for the
link on the Jakarta page and the venerable (outside the Apache developer
community) Jakarta "brand".

They are now aware that they could have their cake and eat it too.

Guys if you wish to make your preference known, signify it now.
(2) The tapestry folks are well aware of their options.
(3) As indicated above, any decision made now is mutable.
And, orthogonal to the above, I recognize that this increases the need
for me to address the underlying oversight issues that continue to
exist within Jakarta.
Here is how I would suggest handling it in regard to the Tapestry issue
supposing it is just a Jakarta project.

Sam. I will monitor the project and tell the Jakarta PMC when/if there
are ever any issues that I think require oversite, if I'm ever unable to
perform this duty I will find someone who will. If I do not get a
response from the Jakarta PMC I will send mail to members and the board.
If you *trust* me to do this and *trust* my word on this, then the
issue is addressed in regards to the tapestry project. I have a perfect
track record in this regard.

- Sam Ruby
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