Andrew C. Oliver
2003-01-06 01:58:13 UTC
> The proposal suggests a separate cvs mailing list. My recommendation is
> that cvs mail be directed to the -dev list. This accomplishes two things:
> 1) causes more -dev's to actually be exposed to each change. Or, at a
> minimum, it eliminates an excuse. ;-)
I agree. This is how POI-dev opperates and it works quite well for us.
> 2) keep -user's on the -user mailing list. Many users are smart, and
> realize that the devs hang out on the dev list. I've actually had
> requests from users to stop sending cvs email as they weren't devs. The
> response was simple. ;-)
I agree, I quickly ask power users who start falling down the developer
Cool I'll ask which they prefertrail to join the dev list....might as
well push em ;-)
> Both are personal recommendations, and by no means a requirement. How
> the lists are to be configured is up to the direct participants.
Cool I'll ask which they prefer. Guys... What do you prefer?
>> 7. work with Sam (whom I'm assuming will help me) to get tapestry
>> building under Gump and the site updating from Gump
> You can safely assume this.
:-) Why thank you Mr. Ruby.
> - Sam Ruby
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Welcome to geek heaven.
> The proposal suggests a separate cvs mailing list. My recommendation is
> that cvs mail be directed to the -dev list. This accomplishes two things:
> 1) causes more -dev's to actually be exposed to each change. Or, at a
> minimum, it eliminates an excuse. ;-)
I agree. This is how POI-dev opperates and it works quite well for us.
> 2) keep -user's on the -user mailing list. Many users are smart, and
> realize that the devs hang out on the dev list. I've actually had
> requests from users to stop sending cvs email as they weren't devs. The
> response was simple. ;-)
I agree, I quickly ask power users who start falling down the developer
Cool I'll ask which they prefertrail to join the dev list....might as
well push em ;-)
> Both are personal recommendations, and by no means a requirement. How
> the lists are to be configured is up to the direct participants.
Cool I'll ask which they prefer. Guys... What do you prefer?
>> 7. work with Sam (whom I'm assuming will help me) to get tapestry
>> building under Gump and the site updating from Gump
> You can safely assume this.
:-) Why thank you Mr. Ruby.
> - Sam Ruby
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> For additional commands, e-mail: general-help-d1GL8uUpDdXTxqt0kkDzDmD2FQJk+8+***
This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.