[VOTE] Release 2.3 as rc-1
Howard M. Lewis Ship
2003-01-15 11:55:06 UTC
Ok, we've discussed putting 2.3 "to bed". 2.3 beta-1 has been out there for a bit, I've even seen comments that it was stable and easy to upgrade.

The final major changethe addition of the "Global" mechanism, a counterpart to the "Visit" mechanism, except that the global property is shared by all engines in the application. In addition, all source code now has the big, ugly Apache license comment block.

1) Create a branch off of HEAD for 2.3
2) Label and create a release for 2.3-rc-1
3) Merge private branch changes back into HEAD
4) Rename packages and reorganize directory structure

If any bugs to pop up in 2.3-rc-1, we'll fix them in its branch, and in HEAD. I don't see too much along those lines.

Also, is everyone subscribed to the NEW list? tapestry-dev-***@public.gmane.org

Howard Lewis Ship
Geoff Longman
2003-01-15 12:00:58 UTC
Post by Howard M. Lewis Ship
1) Create a branch off of HEAD for 2.3
2) Label and create a release for 2.3-rc-1
3) Merge private branch changes back into HEAD
4) Rename packages and reorganize directory structure
Post by Howard M. Lewis Ship
Also, is everyone subscribed to the NEW list?



Geoffrey Longman
Intelligent Works Inc.

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Malcolm Edgar
2003-01-15 12:54:05 UTC
Malcolm Edgar: +1

There is a bug with the build.xml target "deploy-tomcat" in that it doesn't
copy the /lib/ext/ejb.jar across to web lib. This
causes the Tapestry Tutorial Inspector Engine page to crash when running
under Tomcat.

Also the Readme.html "Third party JARs" needs to be updated to include:
commons-lang, commons-logging & junit.

I have just subscribed to the new list.

regards Malcolm
Post by Howard M. Lewis Ship
Ok, we've discussed putting 2.3 "to bed". 2.3 beta-1 has been out there
for a bit, I've even seen comments that it was stable and easy to upgrade.
The final major changethe addition of the "Global" mechanism, a
counterpart to the "Visit" mechanism, except that the global property is
shared by all engines in the application. In addition, all source code
now has the big, ugly Apache license comment block.
1) Create a branch off of HEAD for 2.3
2) Label and create a release for 2.3-rc-1
3) Merge private branch changes back into HEAD
4) Rename packages and reorganize directory structure
If any bugs to pop up in 2.3-rc-1, we'll fix them in its branch, and in
HEAD. I don't see too much along those lines.
Also, is everyone subscribed to the NEW
Howard Lewis Ship
This SF.NET email is sponsored by: Take your first step towards giving
your online business a competitive advantage. Test-drive a Thawte SSL
certificate - our easy online guide will show you how. Click here to get
started: http://ads.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/redirect.pl?thaw0027en
Neil Clayton
2003-01-16 07:24:16 UTC
Hash: SHA1

Post by Howard M. Lewis Ship
Ok, we've discussed putting 2.3 "to bed". 2.3 beta-1 has been out there
for a bit, I've even seen comments that it was stable and easy to upgrade.
The final major changethe addition of the "Global" mechanism, a counterpart
to the "Visit" mechanism, except that the global property is shared by all
engines in the application. In addition, all source code now has the big,
ugly Apache license comment block.
1) Create a branch off of HEAD for 2.3
2) Label and create a release for 2.3-rc-1
3) Merge private branch changes back into HEAD
4) Rename packages and reorganize directory structure
If any bugs to pop up in 2.3-rc-1, we'll fix them in its branch, and in
HEAD. I don't see too much along those lines.
Also, is everyone subscribed to the NEW list?
Howard Lewis Ship
- --
Neil Clayton

(PS: If you see strange text you don't understand underneath my email, don't
worry - it's just my PGP signature)
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