[Tapestry-developer] Reducing the time of the development cycle.
2003-01-02 21:13:39 UTC
Mind Bridge has been working with Geoff to create a validator that would work
as an Ant task, and as part of Spindle.

If you set up your application properly, you can run it in the debugger with
JDK 1.4. I know in Eclipse I can usually change the implementation of a class
and keep running.

Please check the docs on disabling caching. By using this feature, you can
force Tapestry to reread all specs and reconstruct all objects every request
cycle. Slow, but not dreadful and any changes you make to specs or templates
shows up immediately.

I'm beginning to work on a <listener-binding> where you specify scripting code
for a listener in the scripting language of your choice (Jython, JavaScript,
etc.). This will allow you to swiftly change logic without a recompile cycle.

Mind Bridge is working on dynamic byte code enhancement for declarative
properties. You'll specify the name, type and initial value for a property of
the page, MB's code will create a subclass with the accessor methods and
notifications to implement it.

If you thought Tapestry was good before, 2.4 is going to knock your socks off!
Less Java, more power, easier everything ... but still very much Tapestry under
the covers.

Basically, the goal, which seems reachable, is to have not just the most
powerful web application framework, but the easiest to adopt and use. I
honestly think that within a year, the J2EE vs. .Net debate will look something
like "How do you expect me to work in .Net without Tapestry?".

And better documentation is also in the works ...


Happy New Year All!
Now that I feel comfortable with Tapestry, one of the areas of
improvement for me would be to reduce the development cycle - code,
compile, deploy, test, code...
One of the problem areas is also one of the most powerful - namely the
dynamic nature of Tapestry. For example, forgetting to add an accessor
which is referenced in a .page or .jwc document isn't spotted until the
test cycle, also forgetting to add a component to the same documents
isn't spotted until the .html page is referenced. Also an invalid xml
document is also a problem area. Obviously a validating XML editor
would solve this one - but I tend to hand write xml documents as I
haven't come across an XML editor that integrates well with my
development environment.
To this end I'm thinking of writing an Ant task altough initially it
will probably just be an application. Firstly it would check the
validity of the relevant XML document, then it would do it's best to
check that the relevant accessors were available in the matching .java
file. It would also check that any jwcid attributes within the HTML
file had matching components. Lastly it could check that any
string-binding's had matching entries in the properties file including
the <span key=""/> HTML tag. Plus anything else that comes to mind.
I'm interested to hear any suggestions - would anyone else find it
useful, have I missed anything, etc.
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Dave Roberts
2003-01-03 04:54:38 UTC
Post by h***@public.gmane.org
If you set up your application properly, you can run it in the debugger with
JDK 1.4. I know in Eclipse I can usually change the implementation of a class
and keep running.
Please check the docs on disabling caching. By using this feature, you can
force Tapestry to reread all specs and reconstruct all objects every request
cycle. Slow, but not dreadful and any changes you make to specs or templates
shows up immediately.
This is exactly what I do and it seems to work great. For typical
incremental development, you typically don't have to totally restart. The
other thing I found very helpful is to run using a main class that just sets
up Jetty rather than trying to stuff everything to a WAR and then deploy in
something like Tomcat. Even if 1.4 can't do the incremental code patching,
it only takes 10 seconds or so to stop, restart, and have the first page
loaded again.

-- Dave

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