[RESULT] Tapestry/Jakarta Proposal
2002-12-18 14:37:35 UTC
(I believe I got votes from everyone from Neil, but I'm at work and operating
from memory).

Howard Lewis Ship: +1
Richard Lewis-Shell: +1
Mind Bridge: +1
Geoff Longman: +1
Malcom Edgar: +1
Neil Clayton: MIA

Mr. Impatience (that's me), thinks we should go ahead based on lazy consensus.
I'm really anxious to get the ball rolling with the Jakarta PMC.

So, at this point, so I send the proposal, or should Andrew Oliver?



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Mind Bridge
2002-12-18 14:50:09 UTC
I think the case of having no response from someone is quite likely to occur
in other future votes as well. For example, if I am away on a business trip
with no internet access, I will not be able to respond, although I would not
want to block the process either.

Will it be a good idea to setup a "voting deadline"? It could be, say, 4
business days or a week or sth like that. Perhaps Andrew can share his
experience on this topic?

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: tapestry-contrib-admin-5NWGOfrQmneRv+***@public.gmane.org
[mailto:tapestry-contrib-admin-5NWGOfrQmneRv+***@public.gmane.org]On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 4:38 PM
To: Tapestry Contrib
Subject: [Tapestry-contrib] [RESULT] Tapestry/Jakarta Proposal

(I believe I got votes from everyone from Neil, but I'm at work and
from memory).

Howard Lewis Ship: +1
Richard Lewis-Shell: +1
Mind Bridge: +1
Geoff Longman: +1
Malcom Edgar: +1
Neil Clayton: MIA

Mr. Impatience (that's me), thinks we should go ahead based on lazy
I'm really anxious to get the ball rolling with the Jakarta PMC.

So, at this point, so I send the proposal, or should Andrew Oliver?



This sf.net email is sponsored by:
With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility
Learn to use your power at OSDN's High Performance Computing Channel
Tapestry-contrib mailing list

This sf.net email is sponsored by:
With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility
Learn to use your power at OSDN's High Performance Computing Channel
Andrew C. Oliver
2002-12-18 15:32:30 UTC
As sponsoring members, let dIon and I do it.

Post by h***@public.gmane.org
(I believe I got votes from everyone from Neil, but I'm at work and operating
from memory).
Howard Lewis Ship: +1
Richard Lewis-Shell: +1
Mind Bridge: +1
Geoff Longman: +1
Malcom Edgar: +1
Neil Clayton: MIA
Mr. Impatience (that's me), thinks we should go ahead based on lazy consensus.
I'm really anxious to get the ball rolling with the Jakarta PMC.
So, at this point, so I send the proposal, or should Andrew Oliver?
With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility
Learn to use your power at OSDN's High Performance Computing Channel
Tapestry-contrib mailing list
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